Stone pine furniture: sustainability, care and advantages and disadvantages

What is stone pine?

Stone pine, also known as stone pine or stone pine, is a type of pine native to the Alps. It is particularly known for its pleasant, resinous scent and long lifespan.


One of the biggest advantages of stone pine is its sustainability. It grows slowly and can live up to 1,000 years, meaning it has a long lifespan and requires less frequent replacement than other types of wood. Stone pine is also easy to care for and does not require chemical treatments to stay in good condition.

Use in furniture

Stone pine is a popular choice for furniture because it is sturdy and durable. It can be used for a variety of furniture pieces, from beds and cabinets to tables and chairs. The wood's resinous scent is also a nice bonus that can create a calming atmosphere in any room.


Caring for Swiss stone pine furniture is quite easy. The wood is very resistant and does not require chemical treatments to remain in good condition. To clean it, all you need to do is dust it every now and then or wipe it with a damp cloth. It is important not to wet the wood too much as this can cause damage.

Benefits of stone pine

  • Longevity: Stone pine can live up to 1,000 years and is therefore very long-lived.
  • Sustainability: The wood grows slowly and does not require chemical treatments to remain in good condition.
  • Pleasant scent: The resinous scent of the wood can create a calming atmosphere.
  • Versatility: Stone pine can be used for a variety of furniture pieces.

Disadvantages of stone pine

  • Price: Stone pine is more expensive compared to other types of wood because it is rare and difficult to obtain.
  • Sensitivity: Stone pine is more sensitive to moisture than other types of wood and can therefore be more easily damaged if it becomes too humid.
  • Availability: Stone pine only grows in the Alps and is therefore not available in all parts of the world.

Advantages of oak over stone pine

  • Price: Oak is cheaper compared to stone pine because it is easier to obtain.
  • Resilience: Oak is more resistant to moisture than stone pine and can therefore last longer.
  • Availability: Oak grows in many parts of the world and is therefore easier to obtain.


Overall, stone pine offers many advantages as a material for furniture, especially in terms of sustainability and longevity. However, it also has some disadvantages, such as its higher price and lower resistance to moisture. When choosing pine furniture, it is important to take good care of the wood to extend its lifespan. In comparison, oak offers a cheaper alternative, but it may be less durable and not as sustainable. Ultimately, choosing the right material depends on individual preferences and needs.

Other names: Swlsspine; pin cembro, arolle; pino cembro

Botanical name: Pinus cembra L.

Distribution area: European mountains


  • How durable is stone pine furniture?

Stone pine furniture is very durable and can last up to 1,000 years.

  • How do you care for Swiss stone pine furniture?

Caring for Swiss stone pine furniture is easy. It is sufficient to dust the wood from time to time or wipe it with a damp cloth. It is important not to wet the wood too much as this can cause damage.

  • How does pine furniture compare to oak furniture?

Stone pine furniture is more durable and sustainable compared to oak furniture, but it also has a higher price and is more sensitive to moisture. Oak furniture is cheaper and more durable, but less durable and not as sustainable.

  • Where does stone pine grow?

Stone pine grows in the Alps and is therefore not available in all parts of the world.

  • What are the advantages of Swiss stone pine furniture?

The benefits of pine furniture include durability, sustainability, the pleasant scent of the wood and versatility in terms of use in different pieces of furniture.